Thursday, January 14, 2010

leaving out the buts

I had someone today tell me how lucky I was. This person has always been something major in terms of status and looks, which used to mean a whole lot to me, and those things still do even though I hate to admit it. Anyway- I just always thought this person had a gifted and touched life. We are having this conversation and in my head I am just like LUCKY? ME? and what follows was my thought process:
So here I am in this tiny place I call home, with children that I dearly love and would never trade for anything, but at the same time I have never thought I would be a mother type. I have this wonderful blessing of a husband that means more to me than the air I breathe, but at the same time he gets a headache when he reads a cereal box whereas literature is my passion. I am going back to school at 30 when most people my age have 2 and 3 degrees and are in the job that they have always wanted at this point in their life.

But here I was having this conversation with this person and he said that I was lucky and had it all. It made me stop and think- if I just leave out the buts in my head my life really is as amazing as it could be. (rewind in my head and leave out the buts... and here it is)
So here I am in this tiny place I call HOME with children that I DEARLY LOVE and would never trade for ANYTHING. I have this WONDERFUL BLESSING of a HUSBAND that means more to me than the air I breathe. and I am going BACK TO SCHOOL at 30!

so yeah, I have never followed the norms or the easy path- so hey this is okay. I have always seen all of the things that could be better and pretty much so focused on them- so instead this year I am going to focus on the great stuff and LEAVE OUT THE BUTS!

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